The newest enticing cosmetic trend: the dagger eyeliner.

The “dagger eyeliner” fad is sweeping the globe after the cat eye cosmetic craze. What is it about? A thin, lengthy delineation that finishes in a straight line and looks like a dagger.

Simple or double, it must be accurate to generate the dramatic impact and make the eyes the focal point. It is advised to maintain the rest of your face as natural-looking as you can so the overall effect isn’t too exaggerated.

Zendaya and Dua Lipa have both embraced this chic style that has been shown up often in recent fashion shows.

For a powerful appearance, dare to make your eyes look like daggers!

Source: Backstory Contents


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Congratulations Naticia on being on the front cover of @maxiblackmags


Congratulations Naticia on being on the front cover of @maxiblackmags

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